When you face a problem in your life, spend most of the time thinking about the causes and the consequences of the problem. The better you analyze your problem, and the better you understand it, the easier and faster you will find the solution.
Besides, every time in life you are dealing with a difficult situation, rejoice. Call your friends and have a party. Celebrate. It is a great moment for learning, innovation, and change. This principle is one pillar of the Continous Quality Improvement (CQI) approach.
We consider a problem not as a problem per se but as an opportunity to grow, to mature, and become a better person. Each problem is the entry point to a spiritual experience. God can use your difficulties to transform your life for the better.
In addition, consider the issue from different perspectives, different angles. Take into consideration the broader context where the problem arises. Deconstruct it into smaller piece, its components. Explore it up, down, left, and right. Make links with other related problems.
In our upcoming book, we will discuss this issue in details and provide you the tools to analyze the causes of your lives problems.
Dr. Joseph Adrien Emmanuel Demes, MD, MPH, Ph.D. (c),
Medical Doctor, Professor, Researcher, and Spiritual Leader,
The author of the upcoming book “How to Improve the Quality of Your Life? A Comprehensive Approach.”
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